We have explored the concepts that everything is energy and that all energy vibrates at certain frequencies. Our next discussion is the concept "like attracts like". Simply put, you have attracted to you everything in your life- your relationships, your health, your level of wealth-everything. Now, some of you are thinking, "Hold on, I didn't ask to be laid off!" or "I didn't ask for my husband to cheat on me." Now, I agree that nobody "asks" for those kinds of things to happen. But the truth is, the energy that you create with your thoughts, emotions, and actions is sent out into the Universe and answered in kind. The Universe (or God or Spirit or whatever you choose to call your Ultimate Power) matches exactly the energy that you send out. An analogy that I like is that the Universe is like a genie "Your wish is my command".
The energy that you send out dictates just what your "wish" is.
Some people interpret the Law of Attraction as being a giant magnet that they can use to attract anything they want-and their right, sort of. I believe that a more accurate description of how the Law of Attraction works is that you attract what you are. Dr. Wayne Dyer has often noted, "You don't attract what you want, you attract what you are." Another author I like, James Arthur Ray, states in his book Harmonic Wealth, "If you want more, you must become more." The Law of Attraction isn't like some Cosmic Santa Claus that brings you whatever you ask for. Instead, it responds to the energy that you put out around the things you ask for. So, if you want more money or a better relationship or better health, you must constantly try to improve the energy that surrounds those desires because that's what the Universe responds to- energy. If the energy you create around a desire is positive, the Universe will respond in a positive way. If the energy you create is negative, then you can bet that the Universe will respond negatively.
The great news is that there are steps you can take to improve the energy that you send out. We'll talk about those steps in future posts. Until next time, make the effort to determine what kind of energy your putting out. Look at situations in your life that have gone exceedingly well or exceedingly badly. Think, "What kind of energy did my thoughts, emotions, and actions put out in this situation." The more you improve your energy, the more likely you are to have All You Desire.